Stuffed Acorn Squash - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Stuffed Acorn Squash

Two turtles, a rat and some worms.

No not yet another disgusting Scottish recipe from the stuffed master, it is apparently what the Iranian government sent into space attached to a rocket back in February.  Okaaaay…

In an effort to keep PETA at bay it was announced soon after that the two turtles, rat and worms had safely returned to earth and were being studied. Really? Why do I have doubts about this? Returned to earth, possibly. As far as safety goes how safe is it to be hit by a flaming space turtle? This could explain the Fortean shower of worms in Worcester, Massachusetts around the same time. 

Somehow I do not have faith that the Iranian government managed to bring back a couple of animals alive. Charred and smoking, yes, heck even France can do that. 

My American grandfather worked at Cape Canaveral for a while back in the sixties when it was really jumping. He used to talk about the fact that they would often find fried gators on the tarmac after a successful launch.  He never mentioned what they found after an unsuccessful launch. Luckily NASA left most of the unsuccessful launches up to the Russians, everybody do the Khrushchev now…Hammer time! Actually Hammer and Sickle time.

Today’s recipe features something Russian (kasha), something fresh (Acorn Squash), something zesty, but sadly nothing blue.
Kasha Stuffed Acorn Squash! It is the squashiest. 

The Kasha pilaf does not have to be stuffed inside a squash it can be stuffed inside a tomato, zucchini and eggplant; on its own it is great as a side dish to vegetarian or meaty mains. Whichever is your pleasure.

Ingredients for four marshmallowy peeps:

For the Kasha:

1 Cup of buckwheat
2 Cups of vegetable or chicken stock
1 Onion chopped fine
2 Stalks of celery chopped fine
6 Mushrooms chopped
2 Tablespoons chopped chives (optional)
1 Teaspoon of dried tarragon
½ Teaspoon of salt
¼ Teaspoon of black pepper
2 Tablespoons of grated parmesan (Optional)

For the Squash

2 Acorn squash
1 Tablespoon of olive oil

How you do this? I tell you now:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, cut squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Rub or brush the fleshy bits of the squash with olive oil. Place cut side down on a cookie sheet and bake for 35-40 minutes or until just starting to be easily pierced by a sharp knife. Remove and cool the squash till you are able to handle them without giving yourself third degree burns.

Meanwhile, let’s make this kasha! Toast the buckwheat in a dry skillet for 2-3 minutes. Set aside.  Heat vegetable stock until boiling and add buckwheat, let sit over lowest possible heat for about 15-20 minutes until all tender. Meanwhile heat the remaining olive oil in a skillet, add the onion and the celery and cook over medium heat just till both are glossy and translucent, add mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes more. Add the seasonings and the cooked buckwheat.  Remove from heat and stuff into the acorn squash mounding up like a rounded pyramid built on the cheap. Cover each squash half with squares of foil and bake for an additional 20-30 minutes until squash is very soft.  If you like you can remove the foil and add parmesan or feta cheese as a topping for the last ten minutes of cooking.  Either way it is very very yummy.

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