Spice Rubbed Grilled Pork Chops - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Sunday 24 July 2016

Spice Rubbed Grilled Pork Chops

Easy and full of extra bold flavored, these pork chops are the perfect weeknight diner.

Full time 1 1/2 hours
Served 3-6

The needs-

6 boneless 1/2" pork chops
3 tbsp paprika 
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp ground white pepper, if desired black
1 tsp chili powder 
1 tsp garlic powder 
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 

The know-

In a ziplock bag place all spices.

Shake to fully blend.

Add in pork chops.

Shake to fully coat.

Rest in refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Grill over medium-high heat for 8-10 minutes per side. Or until pork chops reach your desired doneness.


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