Microwave Clootie Dumpling - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Thursday 6 December 2012

Microwave Clootie Dumpling

Now presenting the most amazing, microwave recipe I have had the pleasure of making

The Microwave Clootie Dumpling

Microwave Scottish Clootie Dumpling

For those who don't know what a Clootie Dumpling is, because you aren't Scottish and you weren't born in 1938,  a Clootie Dumpling is a traditionally sweet dumpling, made with dried fruit and wrapped in a cloot (cloth) and boiled in water a good few hours until cooked through

This recipe requires no boiling water and no cloot, just a microwave. Hurray for modern technology

It is traditionally served between Christmas and New Year, and most typically found in amongst a spread of great food on Hogmanay (Scottish New Years Eve)

Any well respecting Clootie dumpling maker will want a good skin on the dumpling, that skin will be pale, and pasty in appearance and apparently my mums Grannie used to sit her real cooked dumpling by the open fire to form a good pasty skin, em yeah ! !

Alas, the microwave clootie has no skin but it does still have that same texture

I am kinda glad as the skin freaked me out as a kid

So here is how to make the amazingly fast and easy (skinless) Clootie Dumpling

I mean, can you really wait for this to be boiled up in a cloot? Yeah, me neither

Makes one Dumpling

You will need


Stage One
Quarter Pint Cold Water
4oz/100g Sugar
1 heaped tablespoon Cinnamon
1 heaped tablespoon Mixed Spice
8oz/225g Margarine
8oz/225g Sultanas
8oz/225g Raisins (I used 16oz Raisins instead of sultanas)
1 tablespoon Treacle (optional)

Stage two
8oz/225g Plain Flour
1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda
2 Eggs (beaten)

  • Put all of the ingredients in Stage One into a large saucepan and bring to boil. Simmer for 5 minutes
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  • In a large bowl, sift the Flour and Soda

  • Add the hot mixture from the pan into the bowl with the flour/soda mix

  • Mix well

  • Add in the beaten eggs, Mix well

  • Line another large bowl with cling film (Saran Wrap)

  • Add mixture to lined bowl and microwave for  
         (UK) 650W - 9 minutes 
         (UK) 500W - 12 minutes
         (USA) 1100W - 4.5 minutes

  • Once cooked leave in bowl to cool and firm then turn out onto a wire rack or plate
Microwave Scottish Clootie Dumpling
Clootie Dumpling

Scottish Clootie Dumpling

Slice and serve with cream, ice cream or custard. Or, just enjoy by the slice

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