MAKE IT: French Onion Soup - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Wednesday 1 March 2017

MAKE IT: French Onion Soup

French onion soup, simple, easy, extremely tasty, and one of my other half's favorite foods. There is no words to describe how easy, although a tad bit hands on, this soup is to make.

Full time 30 minutes
Serves 4

The needs-

30 oz beef stock, low sodium
2 large red onions, sliced as thin as possible
1/4 cup white wine (or chicken stock)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1/2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp flour

For serving-

Thin slice baguette rounds
Shredded mozzarella cheese

The know-

Preheat oven to 400'

In a deep pan or shallow pot, melt butter and oil together.

Add in sugar.

Add in onions and cook covered over medium heat for 5 minutes.

Stir and recover for 5-8 minutes or until they are just beginning to brown on edges.

Sprinkle flour over evenly and add in wine. Cook 5 minutes uncovered.

Slowly pour in stock stirring while pouring.

Allow stock to come to a boil.

Reduce temp to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

While this simmers, lay baguette rounds out on a baking sheet. Depending on how thin your baguette is you may need more than one per bowl. In photos I am using two bowl sizes so you can see the difference.

Top each round with 1 tbsp shredded mozzarella.

Place in oven and let bake 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and beginning to brown.

Once browned place oven proof bowls on a baking sheet and add 1-2 tbsp of cheese to the bottom of each bowl.

Ladle in soup to roughly 1/2" from the top of bowl.

Add in toasted bread rounds.

Top with 1-2 tbsp cheese.

Return to oven for 5 minutes. Serve immedietly once new cheese has melted!


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