PRODUCT REVIEW: Perfect Tortilla - Scottish Foods Recipes

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Thursday, 27 December 2012

PRODUCT REVIEW: Perfect Tortilla

Product Review: I want to start by saying this is not a paid advertisement, I speak for myself only, no companies have given me anything for this review. My opinions are completely my own.

Overview: Perfect Tortilla. Is great, lots of fun and easy to use.

I am no stranger to the dangers of impulse kitchen ware. Who hasn't walked into a store, saw a new "As seen on TV" item, and bought it only to regret it shortly after? These days I find it really hard to even look at most of these items. Most are pointless, are not made of any sort of quality material, and are honestly a waste of space and money.

However, occasionally there is a gem hidden amongst these titems. The Perfect Tortilla is one of these gems. I actually have never seen it on TV, never heard a commercial for it, and did not know of its existence until I was in a store one day. I saw it hanging on a rack, looked at it, and walked by.

It took several months of seeing it in the store for me to finally cave to curiosity and buy it. At $10.95, I figured it might be worth the shot. And it is.This product is easy up use, easy to clean, and easy to store! They have a slogan on the box about making any meal fun and I agree! As a fun extra bonus it even directs you on how to make dessert shells in it. So how does it work? Let me show you:

To start the Perfect Tortilla is a baking pan, it is made out of a non-stick metal, and is decency quality too. You get four pans in a box.

Simply heat your oven to 400. Place a 8"-10" tortilla on the pan.

Press gently (almost do not need to) to slide tortilla down.

Once tortilla is in pan, place pan in oven.

Bake 5-7 minutes for soft, 7-10 for crispy. The edges golden up nicely! Once done, carefully remove from oven and let sit 2-3 minutes. Pan gets cool fast, but still be careful, now just slide shell from pan onto plate, wax paper, ect.

Shells can be stored for up to a week after baking. That is all there is to it. The pans clean up easy with hot water and soap. And they stack for easy storage.

There are not really any negatives to them, unless you want to split hairs. In this case here are a few drawbacks:
1) you only get four in a box, so you can only make four shells at a time.
2) they require 8-10" shells, smaller ones do not work.
3) you have to store them.
Seriously, having trouble finding negatives here. I will just say it this way, if you like fajitas, taco salads, ice cream sundae bowls, it is worth the $10.95!

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