Fusilli with Macerated Tomatoes & Garlic - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Monday 1 September 2008

Fusilli with Macerated Tomatoes & Garlic


It's just been so warm out there that I can't bear to put the oven on. I've been living on cold beer, salad and ice-cream. Even the thought of turning on the hob bring me out in a sweat.

Nah, not really...

Though we did have a pretty nice day on Saturday - sat out on the beach and didn't even have to put on our sweaters until 7pm! (Actually it was really nice - I even went for a swim!) But that's not the point. When I made this last week, we had barely had a glimmer of sun in weeks (ish...) So I thought I would attempt to bring some sunshine into our lives with this no-cook pasta sauce.

And it worked. It tasted like greenhouses, gardens and lazy bees*... the noise of lawnmowers over the way, and the bbq two doors down. And just so long as I turned up the central heating and put on my SAD light, I was almost able to persuade myself that it was summer after all...

Fusilli with Macerated Tomatoes & Garlic

Feeds 4...
  • 500g fusilli
  • 100g emmental, finely grated
  • 12 large tomatoes, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed (reduce this if you have a date later ;)
  • handful greek basil
  • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Put all the ingredients, except the pasta together. Mix well and leave for a while - ideally about an hour!

Cook the pasta according to the packet. Add the tomato mix to the pasta and toss to mix well.

Taste and adjust seasoning if required.

Serve with a cold beer, in a bikini!

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