Broccoli Alfredo Recipe - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Wednesday 7 October 2009

Broccoli Alfredo Recipe

Did you know that Broccoli is actually a cabbage? Well it is. Very cabbagy in its cabbage ness. You know what is not cabbagy?

Well lots of things really the Empire State Building, Rubber Ducky Underwear, even Kevin Federline’s personality. None of these things are cabbage though one of them should be, but specifically I am thinking of zombies.

Yes that’s right zombies, zombies that will eat your brains! They can be so silent when they sneak up on you that sometimes you don’t even know they are there, until they are RIGHT IN YOUR FACE! You are walking along minding your own business and Blam! Right there in your face is a zombie saying “Would you like to have a copy of “The Watchtower””

Arrrrrgh, no! Don’t eat my brain! I need that to think about stuff!

I have been lucky. So far I have been able to outpace the zombies. I sprint down the road flapping my arms up and down and shouting: "Thumbelina, Thumbelina!" I don’t know if this helps but it certainly stops them in their tracks. No one has eaten my brain yet, though I know this is debatable. People do tend to think I am few sticks short of a bundle, a few vomit stains short of a tea cup ride.

Tea cup not tea…oh never mind.

Now for the Alfredo sauce; who was Alfredo? Why did they name a thick creamy sauce after him? I am afraid I don’t know, and I am playing hooky so should probably not waste the time by heading to Wikipedia.

Alfredo is very versatile though many people just use it on fettuccine, they are un-adventurous losers who will die sad and alone before spending their afterlife in culinary hell (I will give you a hint, it’s run by the British, OF HORRORS!) great over vegetables, as a tomato free pizza sauce (Super with artichokes), it can be served over slices of home baked tofu, spread on puff pastry and smothered in cheese to make an little cocktail bites or served warm in a ramekin or communal fondue pot for dipping bread sticks, vegetables and lumps of crusty bread (Crusty bread not crusty grandma, I have a grandma story to tell you later it involves cremation, wind and a mountain top. Perhaps it is too tasteless, oh well.).

Here is a quick Alfredo sauce with the addition of broccoli so it cancels out the calories in the cheese! Ok, I made that up.
But if it were true?


4 tablespoons of butter
1 Cup of half and half or heavy cream
1-4 Cloves of garlic
½ Cup of parmesan cheese grated
½ Cup of mozzarella shredded
2 Cups of broccoli florets lightly steamed and still crunchy
A little salt and pepper
Fresh cooked spaghetti


Heat the butter in a skillet and add the half and half or cream, cook over medium low heat for about five minutes (Never boil this sauce) stirring constantly. Add the garlic and the cheese, stir just until melted and remove from heat. Toss with the warm broccoli and the pasta and serve immediately preferably with a nice green side salad and a chunk of garlic bread. For four marshmallowy peeps. For a wine a young slightly sweet white wine.

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