HOW TO: Make Pull-Apart Garlic Bread (Using Sliced Bread) - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Tuesday 29 September 2015

HOW TO: Make Pull-Apart Garlic Bread (Using Sliced Bread)

This is one of those new fad foods, everyone is making it, everyone has a recipe for it, and everyone is Pinning it. Unlike my co-recipe posters, mine uses everyday sliced bread that is in your house. You can use any bread white, potato, wheat, ect. And it works great to use up a loaf of bread that is close to expiring.

Full time 30-40 minutes
Makes 8" loaf

The needs-

10 slices bread (for best result let them lay out for a few hours to dry out)
1 slick butter, melted
1 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
2 tbsp dried parsley
1 tbsp garlic powder

The know-

Heat oven to 350' and set aside a 8 X 4 bread pan. 

Slice bread across 4 times roughly 1/2" apart and 1/2" up from the bottom.

Lay bread out on wax paper. Brush liberally with butter.

Dust with half of the parsley and garlic powder.

Flip bread over carefully and repeat.

Pour remaining butter into the bottom of bread pan and swirl pan around to coat.

Stack bread into pan, pieces may begin to break that is okay, but try to be gentle.

Push mozzarella into the slices and between the bread slices themselves.

Bake in oven for 25 minutes or until nicely golden.

Carefully flip pan over to remove bread and place on a serving plate. Cheers!

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