Ginger Wine & Blackcurrant Cordial - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Friday 27 December 2013

Ginger Wine & Blackcurrant Cordial

Ginger wine or Ginger cordial
Ginger wine is not really wine, it's a non alcoholic cordial but it's strong and addictive or at least it seemed that way to me

So in Scotland at this time of year if you are quick enough (before they fly off the shelves) you can buy these little bottles of concentrate to make 6 pints of each flavor. The only shop to get them is the Co-op to my knowledge (what's that Co-op? my cheque is in the post?)

I was lucky enough to have my parents trek around the local Co-op 's to find these for me and then to mail them to me here in Texas (thanks Mum and Dad)

Ginger essence concentrate from the Co-op

I can't believe I am making a wonderful drink from my Scottish childhood here in Texas, watch out neighbours you will need to help me finish 12 pints of the stuff !!

I was really surprised, no not surprised, shocked, by how much sugar goes into making this stuff.
A dentists dream indeed, this will probably rot your teeth and probably cause a quick onset of diabetes but Oh-my-Goodness it's so good

You will need

3.5 lbs of sugar (oh yes you will)
6 pints of cold water
1 bottle of ginger wine concentrate

I just followed the instructions on the label, easy.....

  • Put sugar and water in a large pot and bring to boil, simmer until sugar is dissolved

Sugar and water

  • Take off heat and allow to cool completely

  • Once cooled, add concentrate and mix well (do not, and I repeat, do not be tempted to taste the concentrate - a warning from the label and my Dad)

  • Bottle, refrigerate and enjoy

I used a mixture of bottles I had, from screw top wine bottles, to decorative bottles, even mason jars would be cute to store your 6 pints of Ginger wine (and have a party and invite kids to try it out) Or better still do what I did and give out the bottles as Christmas gifts to unsuspecting neighbours who are thinking I am giving them Scottish moonshine (love you neighbours)

So I probably haven't had ginger wine since I was around 11 or 12 and my memory of this great stuff was correct. It didn't disappoint. Ginger wine is still on my list as one of the most thrilling drinks I have ever had

Now excuse me while I go and polish off the bottle of ginger wine calling my name and sit in my nostalgic haze of childhood bliss

Happy Hogmanay to my Scottish friends and Happy New Year to everyone else


Ginger wine or Ginger cordial

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