Cucumber Dill Salad - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Saturday 11 May 2013

Cucumber Dill Salad

I love fresh salads. Especially ones that are crisp, vibrant, and flavorful. Here is an easy side salad to accompany any seasonal meal. Perfect for outdoor grilling and entertaining.

Full time: 15-20 minutes
Serves 4-6

You will need:

2 large English cucumbers
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 tbsp dried dill or 2 1/2 tbsp fresh chopped dill
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper

Let us begin:

Cut off ends of cucumber.

Slice in half length wise.

Slice cucumber into 1/8" slices and place in bowl. The thinner the better but not wafer thin, you still want a nice bite to them.

Add in all but 1/2 tbsp of dill, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.

Stir well to fully coat cucumbers evenly.

Add in sour cream.

Stir well to fully incorporate. It will be a tad bit tricky in the beginning but once the sour cream marries with the lemon juice it will mix nicely.

Move to serving bowl or plate and enjoy! 

You can store in refrigerator but eat within 3-4 hours or lemon juice will over power the sour cream.

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