300th Recipe Celebration! - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Wednesday 28 November 2012

300th Recipe Celebration!

Two years ago, well 1 month short from two years ago, I started a blog-this blog. My intention was to share recipes, stories, and kitchen fun with my friends/family.

Back then every recipe post was published with a second post, a story post as I like to call it. Slowly over time the two separate posts have become one, and each recipe just has a little interdiction. The blog has also seen a few other changes.

In the beginning recipes had no photos, most of which I have gone back and added (a few are still left to update). After a few months, recipes had just a finished product photo and overtime the familiar step by step recipe photo evolved. We have also seen the rise and trail of several types of posts...

The PRODUCT REVIEW was born in 2012, and to my surprise has been a great hit and continues to be very popular.

The CRAFT KITCHEN was meet with some surprise reactions in 2011, but has thinned out, under less popularity.

The HOW TOs began just a few moths ago in the middle of 2012, they have become great resources to beginner cooks, but still have not fully found their stride yet.

I have found that labeling posts in classifications such as BAKE IT, MAKE IT, has helped any reader looking for specific items.

These days the blog is published on a more regular basis and the recipes have a familiar/similar style to them. Helping both novice and advanced cooks make fun dishes in their kitchens. Therefore, I decided the best 300th recipe should be an easy to make cake which features a fun infused butter technique! I hope you enjoy!!!

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