Refreshing Fizzy Limeade - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Monday 27 August 2012

Refreshing Fizzy Limeade

Seasonal refreshing beverages are a great way to finish of a menu. Incorporating a nice sparkling beverage into a shower, party, or picnic really ties the meal up nicely. I love making fresh Sparkling Limeade or even Lemonade and I think you will too!

For a fun extra touch. Mix a small amount of lime juice with water to use for making ice cubes. Place a small mint leaf into the ice tray before filling with the limed water and freeze, creating a nice minted touch while drinking!

Serves 4-6
Full time: 5 minutes

You will need:

2 fresh limes, quartered
2 quarts club soda or sparkling water, cold
1 cup fresh lime juice
1/2 cup sugar

*For Lemonade substitute lemon wedges and lemon juice in above amounts.

Let us begin:

To begin mix lime juice with sugar in beverage container until sugar dissolves.

Slowly add in the soda or water.

Drop in line lime wedges.

Serve and enjoy!

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