Minted Zucchini Ribbons - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Saturday 25 August 2012

Minted Zucchini Ribbons

Zucchini ribbons are a great side. They require a little prep, cook fast, and easily can be seasoned to fit any meal. Even better the help bring your meal to the next level in appearance, platting, and can even add a little romance to a meal.

You will need:

2 large zucchini: I like using both green and yellow
2 sprigs fresh mint
1 lemon
2 tbsp butter
1/2 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp ground black pepper

Let us begin:

You will need to cut the ends off your zucchini.

Using a sharp vegetable leaker, remove the outside peel.

Once the outside peel is off, you'll start ribboning the zucchini. To do this keep running the vegetable peeler across the zucchini.

(left is sample of peel: right is sample of ribbon piece)

If you keep going until you hit the seeded core, you will get a nice pile of ribbons.

Place ribbons in a sauté pan.

Squeeze in lemon and carefully mix in the seasonings.

Add butter to pan and turn heat to medium-high.

Sauté for 5 minutes or until zucchini ribbons become slightly softened and hot.

Turn off heat and let sit for a minute.

While this rests finely chop mint.

Plate zucchini and sprinkle across mint.

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