Under Construction - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Under Construction

No, I haven't jumped ship ! I've been trying to 'work out the creases' here on my blog, and I sure do thank you all in advance for your patience... I seem to have a case of the hiccups. I have yet to come across another blog that is in it's infant state like mine, and so I wonder how all of you seasoned bloggers  managed your first few weeks. 
My brain really does feel like a sponge as I pour over all the pages of tips, guides, how to's and technical stuff involved in building a credible blog. Funny thing too, I don't seem to need as much sleep. I get myself so engrossed in articles that I can't peel myself away. I guess that must be a sign that I'm really enjoying this adventure ! I must admit, I am not the world's top ranking organizer by a long shot, in-fact I'm going to self-diagnose and say that I'm probably a little bit ADHD, a little bit rock and roll ! haha. 
This journey is certainly highlighting the fact that I have certain character flaws, and the big doosie is self-discipline, or in my own words, stop humming and hawing Mary....make a decision and stick to it ! But there are soooo many - should I keep it pink or not; do I want to use this font not that one; how about the size...and on and on. 
My huge struggle though is whether to change the name while my blog is still so young. I have ruminated over this for days, my husband and daughter like the current name, 'mary mary quite contrary'. But I'm leaning towards 'Marmalade and Ginger' simply because I am a little sweet and a bit more spicy, with a mop of red hair to boot ! Any feedback here would be greatly appreciated. 
Anyhoo, what I really want to say, if I can stop blethering [Scottish meaning 'rambling'] for a minute, is that I'm going to be under construction for a few days, but I still want to share some fabulous links that I have come across in my travels.
The first one is from 'Cool Mom Picks' a great family blog. Father's Day Fun  - 6 'manly' recipes that the kids can help make. 

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