Chocolate Krispies Easter Nests - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Saturday 7 April 2012

Chocolate Krispies Easter Nests

I'd like to wish all my blog readers a very Happy Holiday weekend.

I haven't made Chocolate Krispies for a very long time,  however I am expecting a visitor who cannot eat wheat, so I thought that these would be a nice treat and they are if you use reasonable quality chocolate.

Chocolate Krispie Nests
200g dark chocolate
100g rice krispies
chocolate mini eggs

Break the chocolate into a bowl and stand it over a pan of gently simmering hot water until the chocolate is melted.  Remove from the heat and stir in the krispies.  Mix thoroughly until all the krispies are well coated.  Put it into paper cases and pop the mini egg onto the mixture while still melted.  I made some small krispie bites as well as the full size chocolate krispies. 

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