French Fruit Tarts - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Sunday 16 January 2011

French Fruit Tarts

I first made these nearly 20 years ago. I have adored them ever since. The only drawback is that they do not travel well and therefore do not make a great pot luck items. For home entertaining they are fast to make, impressive to look at and when arranging the  fruit you can let your artistic side flow out. For our layout I took the picture using two sushi dishes (IKEA? I don't remember where I got them) and an asparagus dish (the one in the foreground)I found at Goodwill. Not too shabby, eh?


1 Cup of sour cream
1 Tablespoon of heavy cream
2 Tablespoons of cream cheese
1-2 Tablespoons of powdered sugar
Enough pie dough for a one crust pie (store bought or homemade)
Fruit for topping. Berries of all kinds look good, as do mandarin oranges, maraschino cherries, slices of kiwi, peach or nectarine. If you buy fresh fruit you will have leftovers, so plan ahead to use up leftover berries in smoothies or for topping pancakes, waffles etc.

How you do this? I tell you now:

Roll out the pie dough thin . Using a three inch diameter cookie cutter cut out as many rounds as you can, rerolling the dough scraps (I usually get eight or nine). Fit these rounds into a well greased muffin pan. Prick the bottoms with a fork and bake at 400 for 8-10 minutes until just golden, (check on them, all ovens are different, these don't like to be neglected). Remove from oven and let cool. While the shells are baking mix the sour cream, whipping cream, cream cheese and sugar together in a bowl. Place in refrigerator while tart shells finish cooking. When tart shells are cool. Place about two tablespoons of the cream in each tart shell. Top with fruit in an artsy fartsy way and chill. 

Makes approximately eight tarts

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