Hummus and Humbug - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Wednesday 5 August 2009

Hummus and Humbug

Humbug? Yes, humbug. Today as is fairly usual I was ready for work early this morning, and instead of just sitting back and having another cup of coffee I thought it might be nice to head downtown early and grab a bagel and coffee at a deli. So I set off full of joy, and vigor, glad that the heat wave has mostly passed and a chill was coming off the river. “Why” I thought to myself, “How jolly, perhaps I will ramble a bit towards the riverbank esplanade before catching the omnibus to the city proper, what fun. “ (And yes, I often think in very British clichés.) My promenade along the esplanade completed, I boarded my bus and as it was not my usual bus, settled into reading my book and ignoring everyone because; I know enough people and I do not want to be your friend”…

Several miles into the trip and some pages into my book, someone spoke to me: “Excuse me? “ I look up from a world of “German Eighteenth Century Porcelain “to stare at this wayward communicator, why do they want to speak to me?

I was about to say “Please if you are selling God, I already have one, hardly used new in a box” when she said: “Do you realize you have two different types of shoes on?”

Ah, yes…I looked down and low and behold, two feet, two shoes, both shiny, both tan, one double stitched square upper with a square cap toe, and one wingtip…I see. Hmmm…

I am so sad that I did not say something like "Yes, it's how I roll." unfortunately I just sat there and looked embarrassed and tried to hide my shoes behind my feet.

Well…ok so enough of the humorous, on with the hummus.

In keeping with foods of the Levant (Which I did not mean to become a series it just sort of happened that way I swear!) Here is a recipe for hummus, the fantastical fantasmigorical garbanzo bean (Chickpea) and Tahini (Sesame paste) dip or spread. Hummus is available almost everywhere it seems from the drug store to the farmers market, and now there are infinite varieties. Tomato basil hummus (Which is excellent), pesto hummus (need I say more, its pesto!) black and gold hummus (with kalamata olives) and Tempe Hummus which tastes like old gym socks smell? (Does that make sense? No? Good.)


1 Can of Garbanzos (reserve 1/4 cup of the liquid for a smoother hummus)

3 Garlic cloves (or less, I have an extraordinary fear of vampires so I like garlic)

2 Tablespoons of Tahini

1-2 Teaspoon of lemon juice

2-4 Tablespoons of olive oil

Pinch of cumin or coriander (If desired)


Place garbanzos, liquid if using, garlic and tahini in a blender or food processor, and pulse for two or three seconds to get it started, add the lemon juice and process, while motor is running add the olive oil in a thin stream until mixture is smooth. Transfer to a bowl and add seasoning. I like to serve in a bowl with a swirl of olive oil and a couple of mediteranian olives on top.

Serve with pita bread, tabouli (See recipe from August 3rd), or vegetable sticks. You can also spread it on a bagel or rice cake for a quick breakfast. I have no idea how long this keeps in the fridge, the issue has never come up. Serves four

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