Pie Floater - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Monday 13 July 2009

Pie Floater

Why? I have to assume that someone was really drunk when they came up with this idea, then again, it is simply a variation on the Pie and Peas that is sold all over England at football matches. There are always those moments, if you have ever had a few too many and been a bit peckish, the wandering into the kitchen thinking that hey, mayonnaise and anchovies on toast would really hit the spot right now. I have to say it is probably the same with battered sausage (No not a lifetime movie) but an actual ½ pound smoked sausage dipped in beer batter and deep fried in lard. Did someone sober really come up with that? Well seeing as I usually end up seeing battered sausage at Scottish Chip Shops, one doesn’t have to assume. The only person in my village that was sober for any length of time was the ice cream man, but that is just because he was doped up, mainlining strawberry syrup and snorting sherbet through a licorice straw.

Back to the floater, I tried this on a bet, don’t you judge me! Though I was instantly reminded of the Pies and Peas from the UK. The concept is very simple, and I encourage you to sit back, drink a few beers and try a pie floater, it is traditionally a meat pie, but you can use any type of pie in a pastry crust that you prefer, vegetarian, beef, pork, chicken or turkey.

Ingredients For Two:

Two pies of your choice

1 Can of split pea soup

Tomato Ketchup to taste (Ketchup? Catsup? I really don’t get it, whenever I hear “Catsup” I think of some mad scientist trying to eat his dinner, the dialog takes place in a windmill and goes something like this:

Mad Scientist: “Igor, Bring me the Catsup! AAAHahhahahhahhhahaha!”

Igor: “I’m trying maaster, but the cat won’t stay still!”

Mad Scientist: “Ahaahahahahhhhahahahaaaa…cough..” )


Get drunk. Bake pies according to package directions, they have microwave pies now too so you might not burn your flat down, make soup according to directions. Pour soup in soup bowl or plate, place pie in soup, drizzle with ketchup. Enjoy before buzz wears off and you realize what you are doing. And try to clean up after yourself because you don’t want to wake up in the morning and have those horrible thoughts: “Oh, no, tell me we didn’t….eat a pie floater!”

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