Broccomole - Scottish Foods Recipes


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Thursday 11 June 2009


I love my vegetable dips. It is amazing what wonderful colourful dips are about these days: spinach, rocket, pumpkin, beetroot, avocado, corn, red pepper etc etc etc. But the one vegetable that I have not seen in dips is broccoli. (Though a quick search of the net will find some.) So when I saw it in a British magazine my mum brought me, I couldn’t resist.

Green broccoli and a cool name. It made me think of Batman and Robin – holy broccomole Batman, can you believe this dip! How could I resist! Broccoli is wonderful eaten fresh. Such a fresh vibrant green colour. The lemon helps to bring out the freshness and the tahini gives a little creaminess.

This dip is best left overnight for the flavours to meld. If you keep it a few more days in the fridge it starts to get a bit whiffy like its brassica cousins the cabbage and cauliflower. You know the smell that is reminiscent of a big black pot of stew in a crofter’s cottage!

So I recommend you try broccomole for something quick and different but it not a comestible to linger in your fridge too long. It is excellent on good bread or a corn thin and no doubt would benefit from a slice of tomato on top.


1 head of broccoli, cut into florets (approx 400g)
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp olive oil
juice of one small lemon
1 clove garlic, chopped
Seasoning to taste

Lightly steam broccoli in microwave for about 2 minutes. Refresh and cool under cold water. Place in food processor with remaining ingredients and blend to a smooth paste.

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